Oh, Darling! 5 things I absolutely will not be doing during quarantine.


Ooh quarantine. What a fun time it has been. Caleb is still going to work as normal, so Minnie and I are holding things down at home. The first few weeks, Minnie wasn’t sure what to think. Why are you here? At what point will you look away so I can sneak on the couch and snooze to my hearts content? We’ve now reached the level that she avoid’s me, and has decided to get out of bed when she’s good and ready - sometimes 2-3 hours after I’ve been up. Am I living with a teenager?

There are a lot of things we’ve been doing during quarantine, and I’ve already discussed what I plan to do post-quarantine.. But here is a brief list of things we absolutely will not be doing: 

  1. Make banana bread. There is a time and place for fruit in bread, it is never and in the trash. Also, the thought of banana’s alone gives me major anxiety. The smell, the strings, the texture, I absolutely cannot.

  2. Make any sort of bread for that matter. Mostly because I’m a terrible homemaker, and I don’t currently have any flour on hand. Also, I’m not even sure I’ve ever bought yeast before. Don’t get me wrong, I eat more carbs than I care to actually put into writing, but it’s for the better of my cardiovascular health that I just don’t know how to make things.

  3. Clean the filter on my dishwasher. I’m all for some good clean fun. Ha, see what I did there? And I’ll admit, I’ve done more cleaning the last few weeks that I’ve done the last few months - windows and baseboards included. Who am I? But despite what @gocleanco says, I absolutely will not under any circumstances clean the filter in our dishwasher. Just the thought of what could be waiting for me in there is enough to make me sick. Ooohhhh Calebbbbb!

  4. Maintain a normal sleep schedule. These days, I roll out of bed with enough time to wash my face, brush my teeth and walk to my office set up. I’m not sure what I’ll actually do when I have to make a real commute. But a little fun fact - I am not a routine caffeine drinker. I had half a cup of coffee one day last week because I was up late writing and watching Golden Girls for the 37th time. Full blown leg bouncing jitters, heart palpations, could run a marathon on my lunch break kind of thing. It was after 3 a.m. before I finally stopped tweaking out long enough to fall asleep. With that being said, I will also not be taking part in this dalgona coffee. I am unwell.

  5. Wear real pants. I feel like this needs no explanation. It’s been nearly 50 glorious days since I last worked a zipper, and I’m not mad about it one bit! The real question becomes, how long can I keep this up? Will there be a grace period transition when I return to a normal office setting? Asking for a friend.

Bonus item: I will not stop taking pictures of my sweet Minnie. Loving all of our extra time together, but as we near the end of week 7, I can’t say that she always feels as strongly as I do. She’s gonna miss this though, or at least that’s what I’ll tell myself when I go back to work.

Yours Truly,


DIY Plant Stand


Dining Room Chandelier